This is our ‘bread and butter’ and our primary service. Our Personal Training has a core focus on strength training, functional training, athletic conditioning, and weight loss conditioning.  In addition, we’ve also developed a “Senior Training” program as part of our personal training strategies. It encompasses the core principles of personal training but adapted with specific goals identified for our senior clientele. 

Strength Training:

Strength training might not be a primary goal, but we believe that everyone should have a focus on maintaining strength. A strong body is a healthy body! As we age it becomes harder to maintain the strength we had when we were younger, that’s why we continue (at any age) lifting weights and challenging our muscles. Lift smarter....not necessarily harder.

Physicians recommend weight training as we age because it helps maintain healthy bones and organs. ENERGY Fitness has the resources that will help you improve your overall strength whether it’s starting from scratch and building a core foundation or more advanced Olympic lifting techniques. We want to help you feel strong!

Client doing strength training Client doing strength training
Client doing strength training Client doing strength training

Functional Training:

Do you have pain and stiffness in your joints and muscles? Do you have poor posture and range of motion? Do you have difficulty squatting and/or reaching overhead easily? If “YES” is your answer to any of these questions then you need Functional Training. Functional training is the best way to improve your flexibility and range of motion.

How well your body “functions" on a daily basis is a direct indicator of your health and longevity. Poor mobility and poor range of motion puts you at a higher risk for injury. Studies have shown it even correlates to a shorter life span*. But you can do something about it and we can help! Functional fitness may be the most important aspect to our personal training at ENERGY Fitness because it’s so vital for everyday living and recreation.

We place a premium on functional training because that’s what you rely on every day!  Whether it’s getting up and down out of your office chair, reaching for that bag in the backseat, unloading the dishwasher or putting groceries away – these “everyday” maneuvers become challenging if you have poor functional fitness.  If you can’t do your daily activities without pain, then what’s the point?  ENERGY Fitness will help improve your functionality with a creative balance of fun and challenging exercises to keep you moving and recreating.

Client doing functional training
Client doing functional training
Client doing functional training
Client doing functional training

Athletic Training:

If you’re interested in improving your athletic ability – recreationally or professionally – we can help! Our trainers and equipment allow us to implement a variety of skilled exercises and tactical training aspects to elevate your level of athletic fitness. We’ve helped train and prepare collegiate and high school athletes to achieve greater success on the field of play, and we can help you too!

Active training picture of athletic conditioning – ball slams against wall
Client doing athletic training
Client doing athletic training

Weight Loss Conditioning:

Weight loss can be really hard. But Energy Fitness strives to keep it simple. Consistency is the key. Our weight loss conditioning can help boost your metabolism by teaching you to eat the right way for your body and your fitness needs. The key is to remove temptations and foods that are inflammatory to your body so you can optimally digest the right food for your health and fitness. If you aren’t getting the results you want, let us help.

Working out helps your mindset, it keeps you motivated and accountable for your goal and it’s a weekly “check in” with your trainer at Energy Fitness – we’ve got your back!

Client doing weight loss conditioning
Client doing weight loss conditioning

Senior Training:

At Energy Fitness, our senior training is centered on restoring strength and confidence for our clientele.

One of our core values at Energy Fitness has always been about giving clients more ENERGY. This means adding increased mobility and more confidence to do the things that they love doing. That holds true for our senior clients, but equally for them is the importance to achieve “restorative health” - goals like improving balance, range of motion and muscular strength to the body. We take our health for granted when we’re young, but as we age we learn that having the confidence in our bodies to do daily activities and recreational activities is so valuable.

picture training a senior client picture training a senior client
picture training a senior client picture training a senior client
picture training a senior client

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